Thursday, October 4, 2007

WEB 2.0, LIBRARY 2.0, ETC.

I've read everything and I'm overwhelmed with the possibilities and problems the future holds. Where do librarians fit in all this, where do our patrons fit? How do we keep up, or should I say try to stay one step ahead of one group of patrons while others are struggling just to keep their heads above water? There has always been and always will be the separation between those that have and those that don't. The problem seems to be that the information gap is getting wider and wider between these groups. The library has always been the go-between, serving both equally. With funding resources the way they are, you have to wonder how we're going to provide the services everyone wants. It seems that someone is going to get left out, let's hope it's not left behind.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yep, lottsa changes a comin'. We gotta keep up somehow. I think libraries should get computer hardware and software free. Do ya hear that, Bill Gates? I forgot. He's no longer very rich and can't afford to gives us computers. Someone is more richer.